Monday, May 29, 2017

A Goat Story

My daughter absolutely adores animals.

She always has.

Luckily for her, she has a good friend who shares her love for four legged mammals.

Yesterday, she convinced her dad and I it was a really good idea to get two more goats to add to the 3 she got 2 years ago.

Although I love her determination and tenacity to go after what she wants,

I don't particularly love that we are fast becoming goat 'hoarders' here at the Tollerud farm.

When I came outside today to check on the girls and see what they were up to,

this is the scene that lay before me...

Little Tilly was sporting Madi's old shirt and was looking adorable and slightly annoyed.

When I questioned them as seriously as I could muster (with a smile playing at the corners of my mouth), this was her response..

"But mom, it's cold out today.

She was shaking!

Now she's not."

My look must not have said I was agreeing with this because she ended on...

"but, Mom, it's ok."

Honestly, how can you resist a baby goat in cute clothes?!

And if you can resist said goat and maybe don't think this is very nice, please stop reading now.

You may not like what you're about to see.

This mama decided that the goat wasn't in distress, appeared to be happy and loved, and said, 'ok, girls.'

Their smiles say it all.

We are making some goat memories this summer!

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