Monday, June 26, 2017

Changing Perspective

Witnessing my children growing up on a farm has been one of my greatest joys these past twelve years.

Long ago, before I met their father, I proclaimed that, 

"I was NEVER, EVER going to marry a farmer!"

After all, to my immature mind, farmers were too 'backwoods' for me.

Fast forward nearly 15 years and I couldn't disagree with my previous sentiments more!

Living on a farm certainly has its share of hardship but I wouldn't trade it for anything.

Seeing the love and adoration my daughter has for  all of her animals has taught me to have more compassion and respect for the furry creatures I was indifferent to in the past. 

Seeing my somewhat mouthy preteen gently pet his calf and talk quietly to it makes my heart smile.

Hearing the love and laughter of the kids working alongside their farmer dad is a sound that (in my opinion) can't be matched.

I hope that someday these kids of ours feel the same.

Monday, June 19, 2017

Summer-time is our busy {best}-time



Early morning practice.

Gym time.


Strength training.

Basketball tournaments.

And the list goes on and on...

Summer 2017 has been our busiest to date...

with no end in sight.

With kids participating in activities in two different towns, I seem to spend the majority of my week days in the car running from one activity to the next.

Even though I am extremely grateful to have a job that allows me this opportunity, I'm kind of looking forward to getting back into the swing of things at school...

I can't believe I just said that!

Saturday, June 17, 2017

Pacesetter MIT. 6th Grade STATE Champs!

Good teams become great ones, 

when the players trust each other enough

to surrender the 'me' for the 'we'.

Last year at this time we were celebrating a tournament well played,

an awesome ending to a year of success.

Well, today, Pacesetter 2017 blew that one right out of the water.

These six boys played with a ton of heart and showed us all what being a team truly means. 

I am so thankful to have been along for the ride to watch these guys over the past few years. 

Without further ado, let me introduce you to the new 2017 Minnesota Pacesetter MIT STATE champs!! 

We are so very proud of you!